“Dignity Home Kong Community” is the dream of NGO representatives from Hong Kong for the future of their city. They came together as a rare opportunity, on invitation of the Hong Kong University School of Public Health. In a workshop from the 4th to the 7th of November 2024, The Constellation facilitation team with Rapeepun Jommaroeng (Ohm) and Marlou de Rouw introduced The Constellation’s approach SALT and CLCP, with the aim to increase community ownership of health measures.
Young Women connect for learning from their work on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
In July, teams went for a series of Learn Visits in Nigeria and, from August-November, in Kenya. “For We Lead, Learning visits are the “front and centre” of our learning agenda as they provide us with the opportunity to experience first-hand what our partners and right holders are doing and share ideas on how to improve our programme. They also make it possible for us to bond with each other and deepen our understanding of the different approaches that are being implemented,” says Nyambura Gathumbi, Global Program manager.
Voice Multi-country grantees take action towards a joint dream
The Constellation has facilitated the Linking and Learning journey where those grantees grew from focusing on their own particular cause to taking action towards a joint dream. The Constellation used and adapted its strength-based SALT approach (Support, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer) and several tools from its Community Life Competence Process for accompaniment. At the closing of the Voice project, a strong sense of solidarity exists between the parties, the journey is not yet at an end.
First-hand rightsholders’ stories come forward in Visual Journeys
“The reason why we decided to embark on a Visual Journey, is to empower our community members, so that they are able to document the stories within their community”, says Wycliffe Osango from Chambua project in Kenya. “Seeing my team win and creating their stories...
“Now Us – Celebrating our Contributions towards an Inclusive Society”
From the 22nd to the 25th of April 2024, Voice multi-country grantees came together in a Global Festival in Bangkok, Thailand. The Constellation team organised and facilitated the event, closing in friendship and engagement a partnership that started 22 months ago. The Constellation is grateful to the participants of this Link and Learn journey.
“We are ready for the new year! What are some or the things we learned in our training??”
Go Girl Ghana post on https://www.facebook.com/GoGirlGhana the 31st of December 2023: a record of what the team learned from SALT-CLCP training.
Go Girl Ghana is a registered foundation in both the Netherlands and Ghana who “inspire girls to believe in themselves to be educated to create a better future for themselves and their communities”.
Facilitating a Global Learning Festival (GLF) for We Lead in Maputo, Mozambique
Exploring our strengths, our diversity and our commonalities as human beings; Learn Visits to local community groups; a Market Place that showcases good practices and eventually reflections on what could be set up in the future. Over the years, The Constellation keeps developing its signature elements as our teams are facilitating Learning Festivals with old and new partners.
In February, a team of The Constellation facilitators took on the challenge of organising and facilitating the Global Linking and Learning Festival for 70 persons in Maputo, Mozambique: staff, partners and rightsholders of the HIVOS We Lead programme.
Evaluation of a project implemented by The Constellation in Assam, India
An Outcome Harvest evaluation based on evidence of change of a project implemented by The Constellation in Assam, India, between March 2017 and March 2019 Evaluations are essential for advocating with policymakers and influencers to appreciate the power of community...
Everyone should know and experience that you are never alone
“I am also a human, loved, and respected in my community” is the beautiful lesson shared by Agnes in a touching Learn Visit to her and her community on the 10th of November 2023. When she thought she was alone, living with albinism in a community in Uganda, Nantaba...
Your story on the new The Constellation Asset platform
Looking back to 2023 for the annual report, we see how essential our collective local actions are as we aspire for a better world where every person can live to his/her/their full potential in harmony with nature. On the new Asset Platform, we can come together to share our lessons, and learn together.
As your contribution to The Constellation Annual Report 2023, and as your contribution to the network, we invite you to share one story with a lesson on the new Asset Platform: https://assets.the-constellation.org/
Visual Journey at the ABCD Unconference: New filmmakers shared their experience filming their community’s story of change with their phones
The Constellation is made up of many stars, communities that are taking action, addressing global challenges in our local context, using our own strengths to find solutions that are within our reach. In The Constellation, we are sharing the solutions that we are finding. One way to share is through storytelling, through small movies. Hence the project of Visual Journey, which was at the centre of attention on Wednesday, the 18th of October 2023, on the occasion of the yearly ABCD Unconference.
Eradicate early pregnancy and forced marriage at the Kakuma Refugee Camp
Faulu Productions is a community-based organisation based in the Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya (team in the picture). The Faulu team intends to eradicate early pregnancy and forced marriage observed in most camp-based communities. The team reached out to The Constellation to take part in the Go Girl programme where the SALT-CLCP methodology supports girls and people around them in finding solutions and establishing behaviour change so that their health and safety are improved.
The Global Fund for Children (GFC) Knowledge Fair: A Unanimously Acclaimed Event, Co-created by Participants
In Kolhapur, Maharashtra, from the 20th to the 22nd of May 2023, a Knowledge Fair was held bringing together representatives of the villages of Pirwadi, Vashi, Nandwal, Kandgaon, and Kerli, where the Avani organisation led SALT conversations for the past two years, Indian organisations who also facilitate SALT-CLCP (Rural Aid and Purnata from West Bengal, Faith Foundation from Meghalaya) and the GFC. Avani organised the event with the GFC’s support.
Second Voice Festival: Linking and Learning between African Communities and Organisations for an Inclusive Society
Hosted by The Constellation, the festival was held from the 24th to the 27th of July 2023, bringing together 45 delegates from 10 multi country projects in Africa, implemented by grantees of Voice, counterparts from Asia through video conference, and representatives of Voice and The Constellation. Even though they work on very different topics, participants realise that they have a lot in common and a lot to learn from each other.
Community facilitators stimulate and support the implementation of community development projects in Guinée Forestière
AGUIDE (Association Guinéenne pour le Développement Economique) is an NGO based in N’Zérékoré, the largest city in the Guinée Forestière region of southeastern Guinea. AGUIDE’s dream is to train community facilitators throughout the country, so that they can stimulate and support the implementation of community development projects.
Communities Acting Together to Control HIV (CATCH) in Botswana
The CATCH approach is a community driven response. The approach uses the SALT method to drive the community response to HIV and other health related matters. The approach has acted as an effective catalyst for the implementation of the National Community Mobilization Strategy.
Online learning visit of a Malian organisation: Temedt, fraternity in the fight against slavery
On the 26th of June 2023, 13 people from 9 different countries had the opportunity to meet online and on-site with members of the executive team, governance and beneficiaries of the Temedt association, which has been fighting descent-based slavery in Mali since 2006. This is part of the Voice for an Inclusive World project of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented by a consortium between Oxfam Novib and Hivos. The hosts were delighted to see the interest aroused by their action.
Improving access to health care for migrants and vulnerable populations in Algeria: review of the project
Between February and September 2022, The Constellation’s mission was to encourage Algerian civil society and health professionals directly involved in the care of People in Socially Vulnerable Situations to design in synergy a strategy based on their experience and implement it.
Online learning visit to a Kenyan organisation: the Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW).
On the 17th of July 2023, 16 people from 6 different countries had the opportunity to meet online with members of COVAW which has been fighting for the rights of women in Kenya since 1995. This learning visit is part of the Voice for an Inclusive World project.
“As the underlying reason of the village situation is poverty, we focused on budgeting capacity building to ensure that women, and, through them, girls, and children, have access to the resources made available by the government or organisations to tackle the violence.” — COVAW.
“We did not understand much about budgeting. But we have now learned how to budget and to talk with confidence.” — A woman resident.
Premiere of the Visual Journey film: Tunaweza Raising Awareness About Albinism
The problem is not albinism, it is the negative perception towards it. If we emphasise love and care in families and society, people with albinism will reach their goals.
Tunaweza — We Can
SALT Conversations for Gender Equality
Villagers of Kandgaon weaved their dream for children and youth with the facilitation of the Avani team on the 4th of April 2023. An 11-year-old girl said: “I am very happy with this process, adults need to listen to us, and children need to have a say in the functioning of the village.” The elected female head assured that she will involve children in future conversations.
Patient and Community-led Response to NCDs at the Civil 20 Integrated Holistic Health Summit in India
Rituu B. Nanda was at the C20 Summit in Faridabad from the 7th to the 9th of April 2023. She presented the above poster about the work on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in India.
Inspiration flowing back and forth between Kenya and Ghana
Six years ago, Leonie Heppener visited Kithutuni in Kenya. Inspired by the results of the SALT-CLCP approach there, and by The Constellation coach Onesmus Chengo Mutuku in particular, she developed her own dream: Building a community with and around teenage girls to prevent teenage pregnancy and school drop-out in Ghana.
Go Girl Ghana then became a source of energy for The Constellation teams and partners in Cameroon, India, Indonesia, and Kenya : the Go Girl initiative was born and embraced by The Constellation members!
Now, Go Girl Ghana is reaching out to their source: Onesmus, again, this time accompanied by Busolo Quintonne (Aaliyah), a champion from Go Girl Kenya within and around the refugee community in L’Afrikana, Nairobi, will return to Ghana in May.
Inclusion in Action: When Rightsholder Groups Meet at the Asian Link and Learn Festival
From the 20th to the 23rd of January 2023, The Constellation with its IndoCompetence team as a host, organised and facilitated a Link and Learn event for Voice grantee organisations and groups in Asia, to explore the theme of “Improving our practices for a sustainable inclusive society” and with the aim of creating communities of practices.
Go Girl Kenya Turning One Year Old and Still Counting!
“While we did the self assessment training, we shared stories of change amongst the facilitators. From those stories, we realised that it is the little things that add up to the big picture eventually. A good example is the story of a family that we visited. Their relationship was rebuilt, and they linked our facilitator to other families that had been facing the same issue as them. It makes us happy when we receive such calls from the community! ”
Aaliyah Busolo Quintonne, L’Afrikana
Practices to reach an inclusive world
In September, The Constellation facilitators helped representatives of the multi-country projects to deepen their reflection about their joint dream for an inclusive world – and to establish the practices that will help to reach the dream.
New SALT facilitators in Algeria share lessons at a colourful marketplace
Composed of health professionals, association executives and volunteers, and peer educators, the participants presented the results of the various projects and activities they carried out during the year, with migrant and vulnerable populations at the level of their wilayas (provinces).
Voice Multi-Country Grantees on a Visual Journey
“This is me, this is what I should be doing,” Patricia Kamende from Kenya is full of excitement when she talks about the Visual Journey filming training she is currently following in the context of the Link and Learn process.
Voice Multi-Country Grantees Built a Common Dream
On the 25th of August, representatives of all 19 multi-country grantees from the three regions built the common dream for an inclusive world.
“We are all diverse in terms of the work that we do in our organization and of our personal advocacy, but we bloomed into having a common dream of equality, respect, and caring for one another and for nature.”
“The sharing; the presence of the people, though virtual, is full of positive energy complementing one another!”
In Algeria, SALT Continues Spreading!
In June, new groups of facilitators were trained in the SALT-CLCP approach in the cities of Annaba, Béjaïa, Oran, and Tamanrasset. In total 71 persons from civil society and the medical sector came together. They applied SALT and CLCP to themselves as they built their dreams for their cities in 15 years from now, when free and equal access to health would really be achieved.
First concert of the International Women’s Choir of IJburg & Zeeburgereiland
The members of the Women’s Café made one of their dreams come true. On the 20th and the 21st of May, women from Amsterdam performed with music and stories of strong women who were Heroines to them.
CAMEROON—The Cho Ngafor Foundation’s Online SALT Programme
“The Cameroon team’s Online SALT Programme is progressing well despite challenges related to national insecurity, poor electricity, and internet. The team members remain enthusiastic and determined,” says coach Autry Haynes.
KENYA—L’Afrikana’s Dream Building Training
“When we bring our individual dream to the circle, we discover that we have so much in common.”
SALT-CLCP training of L’Afrikana in Kenya on the 20th of May.
First SALT Visits in Algeria: Migrants, Iftar, and Emotions
The new teams of SALT-CLCP facilitators in Algeria have started their first SALT visits, with distance support from The Constellation coaches Taha, Luc, Loli, and Marlou.
Shared organisation dream—a driving force for the staff
“Everyone joins an NGO with a dream to achieve something. Generally, no one asks the staff what their dream is. So, when you asked this question, it forced me to think about my own dream. Collective dream building enabled me to align my dream with other staff. Now I feel that I am working towards a personal as well as organisational dream.” Imran, one of the Avani staff members.
A Joyful Kick-Off for The Constellation in a New Partnership with Voice
In The Constellations newest partnership, Voice and The Constellation collaborate to facilitate a learning from experience process between 19 rightsholder groups that have their activities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, The Philippines, and Uganda. Their activities are aimed at reaching an inclusive world through emancipation and listening to all: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people, people with disability, vulnerable elderly and youth, women facing exploitation, abuse, and/or violence, and indigenous people and ethnic minorities.
Four-day training of actors involved in improving the access to health services in Algeria
As part of his project initiated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and supported by the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) local office in Algeria, a team from The Constellation trains 32 people in facilitation of SALT-CLCP. This training is the first step in a capacity building process aimed at increasing and improving the involvement and access to health care of target populations, including migrants.
Virtual Global Learning Festival – Positive impact in Kenya
In January, the Kenya Facilitation Team made a visit to communities that hosted the 2021 Global Learning Festival (GLF). The intent of the visit was to Stimulate, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer (SALT) together and reflect on the GLF experience.
Sujaag – Collective Action for HIV de-stigmatisation in District Larkana, Pakistan
Historically, HIV campaigns in Pakistan have focused on fear-based messaging around prevention and medical information, which may have further propagated stigma and discrimination, deteriorating health outcomes of those affected. To address this challenge and create acceptance for, while addressing stigma against, people with lived experiences of HIV, Sujaag (meaning ‘to-awaken’) – a hybrid community engagement and mass communications project by IRD – was launched in the region.
Funding Community-Led Responses – A Conversation
“It is amazing what you can achieve in connecting from all over the world for 90 minutes!”
The community development process in Lumsi, Thailand, is moving forward
After self-assessment and identification of 3 priorities, villagers started to clean up their canal even before the development of their action plan.
Faith Foundation’s first SALT visits preparation and feedback
“We began our first SALT visits in the beginning of 2022. We were thrilled to explore and learn with & from the people in the community.”
Flourishing Neighbourhoods Webinar: “Transformative and inspiring”
In November 2021, The Constellation hosted a two sessions webinar on the topic of Flourishing Neighbourhoods. People from different continents attended the webinar session and shared their thoughts, ideas, and experiences regarding the topic.
Go Girl Kenya, creating a safe space where teenagers flourish
Onesmus Mutuku facilitated a 3-day workshop at l’Afrikana, a community-based organisation that, among other activities, facilitates sharing and learning to prevent teenage pregnancies.
The team explored SALT, home visits, and action plans.
Launch “Dorcus Beads: Bringing Back Life” leaves audience moved
The short movie ‘Dorcus beads: Bringing back Life’ was launched on Saturday 13 November, online for a small international audience and offline in the community in presence of the new filmmakers and local movie stars. Communities share their own story: that is now possible.
Virtual Global Learning Festival – Feedback from participants
“V-GLF—a spark plug for learning from the Community.” “We are not telling what to do, but we share what we do.” “First time ever interacting with people all over the world. It was overwhelming. I did learn about the work of different organisations, especially during COVID times and how they carry out their SALT process with the communities.”
More participants feedback
“All Women Aboard – Daring to Dream”
Photo: The participants of the All Women Aboard SALT-CLCP training guide us in how the training is shaped. As we were sharing thoughts and feelings, a participant proposed to sit on the floor, just as it is done in Syria. This picture shows how the atmosphere within...
Virtual Global Learning Festival – SALT visits in Kenya
The second day of the V-GLF, participants were invited to dive into communities in Kenya in real time as if they were in the homes and villages on the spot, asking questions directly, then synthesising the lessons learnt and experiences, by teams then in plenary.
We visited communities and homes in Kithituni, Iiani and in Khumbuni, and the Dorcus Beads organization.
Virtual Global Learning Festival- Warming Up 2
Less then 2 weeks to go to the Virtual Global Learning Festival!
Update number 2 for participating teams and individuals.
Virtual Global Learning Festival- Warming Up 1
Warm Up message 1, for participants in The Constellation Global Learning Festival.
Local SALT Teams across the globe getting ready for the Virtual Global Learning Festival (V-GLF)
Thirteen local SALT teams and 20 individual SALT supporters, a total of 60 individuals, have enthusiastically registered for the V-GLF that will take place between the 1st and 4th of October 2021. The teams come from Belgium, the Netherlands, Pakistan, India, Singapore, RDC, Burundi, Indonesia, Uganda, and the USA. They will share and learn from their very diverse experience with community actions on global issues and especially from the Kenyan team and communities. During virtual SALT visits, the communities in Kenya will also share what they are proud of and what they have learned.
Visual Journey in Kenya
In The Constellation’s project “Visual Journey”, we are handing the camera and microphone to the community, so that they fully take ownership of their story and how they tell it. After two months of online training in filming, the young team in Kenya, Anthony, Francis, and Florence, now feel confident. They have started filming beautiful scenes, and they have done the first interviews in their community. Anthony says: “We were excited about the interviews. Actually, we were having a normal conversation – through the lens of a camera.”
Presenting Dorcus Beads community in Kenya
Dorcus Beads is one of the communities that The Constellation will visit during its annual Global Learning Festival (virtually, this year) and that will capture their Visual Journey.
The Constellation’s 2020 report is available!
We are pleased to share with you The Constellation 2020 Report: https://the-constellation.org/the-constellation-report-2020-english
“2020. Covid-19 put the world upside down. The ‘normal’ in the lives of organisations, communities, neighbourhoods, families, and individuals was challenged. Also, for The Constellation, its teams, its partners and its members. This annual report makes a tour around the world and the account makes us hopeful.”
Visual Journey
The Constellation is developing a new film project called Visual Journey. It is inspired by the lessons learned from the As You Open Your Eyes film project.
Online training for Beyond Social Service Singapore
The facilitation team at their After-Experience Reflection on the first day of the SALT-CLCP virtual training for Beyond Social Services Singapore. Gerlita Condino-Enrera and Myrna Alvarez Maglahus of Pinoy Competence (The Constellation in the Philippines),...
Go Girl! Virtual SALT visit of local teams from three continents to the Cho Ngafor foundation in Cameroon
Under the Go Girl project, local teams from three continents made a virtual SALT visit to the Cho Ngafor foundation and talk of menstruation.
Good news from Go Girl project
The Triodos Foundation contributes 10’000 Euro to the multi-country project for teenagers. And inspiration from a Virtual SALT visit to Babes, Singapore.
Global Learning Festival goes online
The Global Learning Festival (GLF), leading event facilitated by The Constellation, is this year organised online in response to the need for international connections and continued work despite the pandemic. From 1 to 4 October 2021 The Constellation and Kenyan communities offer a unique opportunity to share and learn around the theme: ‘ANCHORING ENERGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE LOCAL RESPONSE’.
Inclusive projects by neighbours for the neighbourhood in The Netherlands
During 2020, eight neighbours in Amsterdam-East followed the SALT-CLCP training, online when required. They were accompanied during one year by a coaching team of The Constellation. Two inclusive projects by neighbours for the neighbourhood have started.
Evaluation shows the impact of our SALT-CLCP methodology
RICPHI report improvement in behaviour towards better health thanks to community conversations, peers/family support and community engagement.
Hope and Resilience for 2021
Hope, connection, resilience, respect, challenges and Coiwepo*. When The Constellation Board Committee reflected on 2020, they found those words were both our strength and our challenge this past year. “We will bring all the good things that we learned from it with full energy into the new year”.
16 years The Constellation
On the 8th of December 2004 the founding members of The Constellation formulated their dream: We would stimulate and connect local responses around the world. Happy birthday to us!
Success stories for the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases
Stories of change are part of the mixed method evaluation of the effectiveness of the SALT-CLCP approach for enhanced community ownership of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Patients and health workers share how SALT impacts their lives.
Wisdom Centre opened in Entebbe
The older persons in Entebbe are one step closer to living their dream, as Uganda opens a unique Wisdom Centre! The centre is a safe space for young and old.
SALT and Primary Health Care in Action
The Constellation is proud to contribute a chapter with learning about SALT-CLCP in the recent book publication Achieving Health for All: Primary Health Care in Action, edited by David Bishai and Meike Schleiff.
SALT and the Stage
Ghalia and iSiZ from VrouwenCafé Amsterdam sought advise from CLCP-SALT facilitators in a peer-assist: How can we make sure there are equal opportunities for all to contribute in the production of a creative performance?
SALT on alcoholism and bonded labour in participatory action research
SALT was used with participatory action research to respond to bonded labour and to alcohol abuse in the state of Bihar, India, where all alcohol consumption is stigmatised and illegal.
Wrapping Research Questions in SALT
The Community Engagement Centre (CEC) and the Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre used the strength approach of SALT to a bilateral learning experience about living with COVID. This meant unlearning some of the conventional research practices and getting the hang of reflexivity* as a tool to monitor one’s own learning.
Amsterdam SALT trainees gather inspiration during lockdown
In Amsterdam a group of neighbours have found in SALT visits a good tool to stay inspired during lockdown. They learned from others, about sustaining connections in the neighbourhood, both online and offline.
Staying connected after the end of the project
Roots of Hope stimulates youth entrepreneurship in Burundi with SALT-CLCP. This impressive harvest of colocase by one of the youth has made people curious to know how he was able to obtain it.
The Constellation Belgium 10 years old
BelCompetence (BC) celebrated with joy its 10th anniversary and the family spirit that unites its members.
Valenciennes’ Youth Council for Development
Youths in Valenciennes have their own Development Council. The Constellation Belgium helped the group to build a common dream for Valenciennes and to reflect on how to materialise it. Thereby was born the project of the Talents Festival of the Valenciennes Region. COVID-19 has turned the action plan upside down, but the path was worth it.