“We are ready for the new year! What are some or the things we learned in our training??”


Go Girl Ghana post on https://www.facebook.com/GoGirlGhana the 31st of December 2023: a record of what the team learned from SALT-CLCP training.

Go Girl Ghana is a registered foundation in both the Netherlands and Ghana who “inspire girls to believe in themselves to be educated to create a better future for themselves and their communities”.

“Our facilitation role involves reaching out to everyone to bring them onboard because everybody matters: Okada guys, old, young, women, etc. It adds synergy. We complement. We acknowledge varied strengths.”


Stimulating Community Conversation

“The foundation for success of our work is premised on the idea of stimulating the community—to begin to talk—to open up—on the issue(s) and concern(s) they face—Education for Girls. This is done through a facilitated process by a team of facilitators who visit families and prob through strategic questions during the visit. Communities then take collective action to change the situation.”


SALT Visit to Homes/Neighborhood

“We move out of our offices to visit families in the home/neighborhood setting—we call that SALT visit. It’s done by a team of facilitators from that community. Helps to build relationship and Trust/Stimulate response.”

It is not a monitoring or supervision visit. It is an accompanying visit to encourage the community to take charge of their situation through recognizing their own strengths to respond. SALT visits are not done by an individual but rather by a team.


Building Community Relationship

Be a friend, Be there, Go back there
Show Care, be authentic, show respect
Listen, Be appreciative, Give back questions to the community


Building a SALT Facilitation Team in Our Community

– We aspire to work together as facilitators of SALT in the Go Girls Program. We share and encourage one another in our Team. We invite others to join our Team. We sharpen our SALT skills and practice in the community together.
– We plan, act and Reflect together.
– We cherish each other’s strengths and allow everyone to live their full Potential.


Strategic Questioning

Is a tool/skill facilitators use during community conversations that help to stimulate the community to open up and talk. Make the conversation flow.

Questions are simple, appreciative and encourage sharing. No dominance. Not an Interview. They avoid yes/no answers.
They include: How are you doing as a family? What worries you as a mother when you think of our girls’ education in the community? What is your hope for this situation? What action are people taking to change this situation?


The SALT Visit Steps


Prepare as a team:
– Identify home/family to visit
– Form small groups (4-5 people)
– Refresh on SALT ad behaviour for the team during the vist
– Identify the link person to the family to be visited

– Walk to the home
– Introduce yourself to the family/community
– Share purpose of visit
– Stimulate a conversation trough asking appreciative questions
– Listen
– Appreciate family for their time
– Stimulate invitation
– Appreciate strengths

– Reflect on strengths that you saw
– How did you work as a team?
– How SALTy are we?
– What did we learn?
– What can we do better next time?


Find out about GGG’s work here: https://www.gogirlghana.org/

Find out more about the partnership between Go Girl Ghana and The Constellation here: https://the-constellation.org/inspiration-flowing-back-and-forth-between-kenya-and-ghana/

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