Learn with us

Become a change maker in your own community
Build connections in your neighborhood, help people take ownership of the measures they take to stay healthy, support older persons to age with dignity, create a safe, healthy and happy workspace, create your green school. The SALT and CLCP approach is bringing joy to thousands of facilitators in their task of creating local action that contributes to better life conditions.
- Experience how to generate systemic change in your community and organization
- Link with a worldwide network of social change makers
- Grow your own experience locally while you learn from global experience
- Experience a collaborative approach to problem solving
Partner projects
Learn with us!
- Follow a solid program of online courses from worldwide experience.
- Learn with others and from your own experience.
- We link you up with co-learners.
- Ready when you are !
- Join a local training event.
- Learn and experience the SALT approach.
- Create your own action plan.
- Access a network of like minded people.