Embark on a joint learning journey

Build resilience in your community

Learn with us – group training for partners

When you partner with us, we embark on a joint learning journey.

How does it work ?

A local team of experienced coaches comes to your place and transfers to you and your team what they have learned about facilitating the SALT-CLCP methodology.

They will remain on your side through online and offline means until you are confidently accompanying your own community in finding sustainable solutions.

“Programmes and projects are temporary, ownership is sustainable: once it is in place, it stays forever with just a bit of care.”

Online and offline group training

The Constellation offers hybrid training :  Offline training where that is possible, safe and in accordance with Covid-19 measures. Online training for continued learning.

Stories from our partners

Voice Multi-country grantees take action towards a joint dream

Voice Multi-country grantees take action towards a joint dream

The Constellation has facilitated the Linking and Learning journey where those grantees grew from focusing on their own particular cause to taking action towards a joint dream. The Constellation used and adapted its strength-based SALT approach (Support, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer) and several tools from its Community Life Competence Process for accompaniment. At the closing of the Voice project, a strong sense of solidarity exists between the parties, the journey is not yet at an end.

Facilitating a Global Learning Festival (GLF) for We Lead in Maputo, Mozambique

Facilitating a Global Learning Festival (GLF) for We Lead in Maputo, Mozambique

Exploring our strengths, our diversity and our commonalities as human beings; Learn Visits to local community groups; a Market Place that showcases good practices and eventually reflections on what could be set up in the future. Over the years, The Constellation keeps developing its signature elements as our teams are facilitating Learning Festivals with old and new partners.

In February, a team of The Constellation facilitators took on the challenge of organising and facilitating the Global Linking and Learning Festival for 70 persons in Maputo, Mozambique: staff, partners and rightsholders of the HIVOS We Lead programme.

Group training programme

Experience phase

Our training program typically starts with a 3-5 days learning event. Through this immersive experience, trainees practice an appreciative mindset, walk through the steps of the Community Life Competence Process (CLCP) and explore how and why each new step leads to more resilience in a community.

Implementation phase

Back home, trainees experiment with what they have just learned. They implement the CLCP steps in their own context. Before and after each new process step, the coaching team organises reflective conversations with trainees and stays in touch all along the process.

Learn and Celebrate, the Learning Festival

Our coaching team will not leave before you have celebrated your progress in a learning festival, where we will extract and capture the lessons learned.


We are happy to explore with you how this training looks like for your team!


Partner projects



Join the journey, learn the walk
and contribute to building a better world

Become a partner and build resilience in your own organization or community
Become a change maker in your own community
Help communities to be autonomous