We dream of a world where communities take action based on their strengths and realise their objectives

The Constellation is an organization at the service of a network of people and communities who are acting locally to create a better world.

We stimulate and connect local responses around the world.

We live in a world where there is no shortage of challenges, whether individual, local or global. These challenges affect us all. If we can realise our capacity to be actors in our own lives, we can also activate our collective responsibility to co-create our world.

Our experience has taught us that communities can and do respond to the challenges that they face when they take ownership of those challenges.

Our support process enables resilience in communities, who take the lead in solving their problems

In The Constellation, we seek to accompany the community as it takes the path to ownership of its challenge.

We transfer an appreciative and supportive mindset to the groups we work with.

We stimulate conversation in a non-hierarchical setting where members share and learn together.

Every occasion becomes an opportunity to connect, to learn from collective intelligence, and to grow.

We create occasions for communities to share and to learn in order to stimulate community-to-community transfer. This transfer then takes on a life of its own and spreads.

Our Inspiration

Our discovery began 23 years ago with HIV/AIDS.

In Thailand, Uganda and Brazil people had begun to address this issue publicly and to recognise that it was theirs to deal with. They took ownership of their response to HIV. This was the basis of a local response that reduced the impact of the epidemic.

It also led to the foundation of The Constellation in 2004.
Read the full story of people and communities in The Constellation in the book What Makes us Human by co-founder Dr Jean-Louis Lamboray.
Watch the story of the community response to HIV in Northern Thailand.

Latest news from the field

Voice Multi-country grantees take action towards a joint dream

The Constellation has facilitated the Linking and Learning journey where those grantees grew from focusing on their own particular cause to taking action towards a joint dream. The Constellation used and adapted its strength-based SALT approach (Support, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer) and several tools from its Community Life Competence Process for accompaniment. At the closing of the Voice project, a strong sense of solidarity exists between the parties, the journey is not yet at an end.

First-hand rightsholders’ stories come forward in Visual Journeys

“The reason why we decided to embark on a Visual Journey, is to empower our community members, so that they are able to document the stories within their community”, says Wycliffe Osango from Chambua project in Kenya. “Seeing my team win and creating their stories...

“Now Us – Celebrating our Contributions towards an Inclusive Society”

From the 22nd to the 25th of April 2024, Voice multi-country grantees came together in a Global Festival in Bangkok, Thailand. The Constellation team organised and facilitated the event, closing in friendship and engagement a partnership that started 22 months ago. The Constellation is grateful to the participants of this Link and Learn journey.

The Constellation is





"The Constellation provides change

In a simple, tremendously empowering way”


"The Constellation is a movement of people

 (all over the world) connecting as humans and acting from their strengths to co-create their realities.”


Join the journey, learn the walk
and contribute to building a better world

Become a partner and build resilience in your own organization or community
Become a change maker in your own community
Help communities to be autonomous