“That moment when celebrating a joint dream looks like The Constellation logo…!”
As part of the project « Improving the access to health care for migrants in Algeria » initiated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and supported by the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) local office in Algeria, a team from The Constellation trains 32 people in facilitation of SALT-CLCP. This training is the first step in a capacity building process aimed at increasing and improving the involvement and access to health care of target populations, including migrants.

Four coaches from The Constellation, Marlou de Rouw, Luc Barrière, Taha Maatoug and Loli Rey, went to Algiers from the 21st to the 24th of February, to conduct a first SALT-CLCP training session.
25 participants came from civil society, 7 from public institutions (Ministry of Health, National Blood Agency, Wilaya Health & Population Directorate, Screening Centre) and 3 from the IOM.
This session allowed the participants to acquire a good knowledge and practice of concepts specific to the SALT-CLCP methodology of The Constellation: how interacting with groups in the SALT way and creating a climate of trust with the beneficiaries, mainly migrants. Several SALT visits were carried out in the field: at the HIV/AIDS centres in Algiers and at the Migrants’ centre.
A new team discusses their lessons from a first SALT visit:

After Experience Reflection (AER) is in the DNA of the Constellation. We regularly reflect on what went well, and what we can do better next time!
The 32 facilitators in training will be accompanied in their action plan by the coaches for 3 months. Eight projects are underway.
A next mission to train new facilitators in other Algerian cities is in preparation.
Enthusiastically, the participants have created a local team, Dzair Competence, to work together to achieve a common dream in Algeria:
“In 2075, all inhabitants of Algerian soil live in equality, freedom, health and in harmony with the environment.”

We thank the participants, the IOM, and the Ministry of Health for their warm welcome.

By Loli Rey.