SALT and Primary Health Care in Action


The Constellation is proud to contribute a chapter with learning about SALT-CLCP in the recent book publication Achieving Health for All: Primary Health Care in Action, edited by David Bishai and Meike Schleiff (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health). In chapter 6, ‘Four Principles of Community-Based Primary Health Care. Support, Appreciate, Learn/Listen, Transfer’,  The Constellation team with Marlou de Rouw, Alice Kuan (Johns Hopkins), Philip Forth, Rituu B. Nanda and Luc Barrière-Constantin examine applications of the SALT-CLCP methodology in India, Botswana, Guinea and Liberia.  They conclude:

  • Community responses extend beyond the specific challenge to the root of health problems
  • The community response has spread to cover a range of issues beyond the initial concern
  • The community response has supported and strengthened the formal system, rather than challenged it.

“Truly successful Public Health Care requires internal, central trust-building that begins with the people themselves, giving them the ability, the voice, and the equal playing field to become a part of the solution. The issues communities face every day are direct reflections of what needs to be improved in health systems; their struggles are direct demonstrations that they should be included in designing the solutions to their problems, because they have lived with them and thus have personal knowledge of what should be done about the problem. As a result, an inevitable link forms between Public Health Care and communities that benefit from it”.   (Achieving Health for All, page 128 – Marlou de Rouw, Alice Kuan, Philip Forth, Rituu B. Nanda and Luc Barrière-Constantin)

Read the free online copy here.

Achieving Health for All: Primary Health Care in Action can be purchased on Amazon.

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