Roots of Hope stimulates youth entrepreneurship in Burundi with SALT-CLCP. The team regularly reconnects with the young people who have already developed their project to support them and to allow learning and sharing with those who are starting out.
“For example, Gerard of Giheta built a permanent house for his family. He also followed the idea of his colleague Alexis de Rutegama, that of developing his commune by reintroducing the culture of colocase which was once a staple food. Harvests are unimaginable thanks to the use of organic manure. The surrounding population is curious to know how they were able to obtain this harvest.”
Regarding the Youth Enterprise Agribusiness Stimulation (YEAST) project, Roots of Hope facilitators introduced 5 microfinance organisations and discussed with the young people to make a choice. The group also talked about the actions to be taken to fight against COVID-19.