“When we bring our individual dream to the circle, we discover that we have so much in common.”
Dream buillding training of L’Afrikana in Kenya on the 20th of May:
Everyone draws her or his dream.
Then, in small groups, we discuss, draw, and present a common dream.
Finally, we pull all the group ideas together to reach the plenary’s dream.
Coach Onesmus Mutuku in front of the impressive array of records of the first steps in the CLCP by the L’Afrikana team.
“The best moment was when the bodaboda taxi guys presented their hopes to the whole group. They explained to us their drawing with honesty and with very articulate explanations and examples. They are all in!!”
“We look forward to empowering more people in the community to protect and uplift the girl child.”
Aaliyah, young facilitator of L’Afrikana.
The Constellation, with facilitators from Ghana, Kenya, India, Indonesia, and Cameroon developed the Go Girl project to address sexual health, youth pregnancy, and access to school, particularly because of the measures taken against the coronavirus. Local NGOs in each country stimulate local responses with girls, boys, and those around them that will help youth to live their full potential. The Constellation facilitates online opportunities for SALT visits—cross-culture learning and sharing between facilitators and community-members engaged in Go Girl. Good practices are communicated beyond the participating sites through the network of partners and members of The Constellation.
Go Girl’s Next Events
The online Learn and Share events to date have been inspiring to participants. L’Afrikana will host the next event scheduled for June 2022, then the Cho Ngafor Foundation in August 2022 as a practice of the Learning Festival in the context of the Online SALT Programme. The teams will present a 10-minute documentary in December 2022.
Support the Go Girl teams
Go Girl is entirely financed by donations from the Triodos Foundation, the Trust for Local Response and Friends from The Constellation. To support the Go Girl teams with your financial contribution, go to: