By Aaliyah Busolo Quintonne, L’Afrikana
We are proud of the changes we are facilitating in the community. We have been able to engage all stakeholders that should be on board on the issue of teenage pregnancy and school dropout among our young girls. Stakeholders include local chiefs, children’s department officer, bodaboda taxi guys, and health institutions.

Self assessment with bodaboda taxi guys.
When we were conducting dream building, we saw the issue of ownership come up. And we are proud of the relationships we have built with the community through the SALT approach. This is seen through engagements that we have with them as they open up and speak freely of their concerns, hopes and even fears. We have been engaging the girls on various levels depending on their needs such as vocational training, psychosocial support, basic business training, and fund support.

Graduates from one of our vocational training in mobile repair and electronics.
While we did the self assessment training, we shared stories of change amongst the facilitators. From those stories, we realised that it is the little things that add up to the big picture eventually. A good example is the story of a family that we visited. Their relationship was rebuilt, and they linked our facilitator to other families that had been facing the same issue as them. It makes us happy when we receive such calls from the community!
Go Girl Kenya’s SALT-CLCP Training: Self Assessment and Action Plan, on the 10 and 11th November 2022
L’Afrikana, Go Girl facilitation team in Nairobi, Kenya, learned how to facilitate two steps in the Community Life Competence Process: Step 3: ‘How are we doing now?’ and step 4: ‘What are we going to do?’ with The Constellation coach Onesmus Mutuku and the co facilitation of Aaliyah Busolo Quintonne.

Two reflections from the group: transfer and transition.
“SALT shapes the belief and practice of the delivery team. It is spontaneously transferred to others if this belief characterises the behaviour of the team and the community.”
“Always think about transition points in the process. Watch out for process maturity so that the discernment will allow us to find the next step in the process together with the community. And as well, make the community understand where we are coming from and where we are headed to.”

Comparing self assessment of two communities. On which practice can the Kibera community help the Kawangware community? And vice versa.
Photos by Onesmus Mutuku, courtesy of L’Afrikana.