When it concerns our joint dream, we all hold the pen!
In June, new groups of facilitators were trained in the SALT-CLCP approach in the cities of Annaba, Béjaïa, Oran, and Tamanrasset. In total 71 persons from civil society and the medical sector came together. They applied SALT and CLCP to themselves as they built their dreams for their cities in 15 years from now, when free and equal access to health would really be achieved.
The combination of inspiring SALT visits and working out own action plans with fellow citizens with whom they were not used to collaborate, opened up a whole world of new opportunities.
“We experienced something those days that we will never forget.”
“When I see the dream I feel concerned”
Participants in Béjaïa during the After Experience Reflection (AER).
In addition, in the capital, Algiers, the SALT facilitators who were trained earlier this year came together for a one-day refresher. The highlight of the day was when they shared their experiences so far in using SALT for better access to health for migrants and other vulnerable populations.
With the IOM and the Ministry of Health, Improving Access to Health Services
Total number people trained in SALT-CLCP: 104
Partners: IMO and Ministry of health Algeria
Coaching Team: Dolores Rey Novoa, Luc Barriere-Constantin, Marlou de Rouw, and Taha Maatoug
Feedback from a coach, Marlou de Rouw,
and from a participant, Fadia.
In French (translation available with a right click).

On our way to SALT visits.
SALT circles in Annaba, Béjaïa, Oran, and Tamanrasset.