Premiere of the Visual Journey film: Tunaweza Raising Awareness About Albinism


The problem is not albinism, it is the negative perception towards it. If we emphasise love and care in families and society, people with albinism will reach their goals.
Tunaweza — We Can


In The Constellation project “Visual Journey”, the community takes complete ownership of their story and how they tell it. This Visual Journey is a self-filmed story about how families fight discrimination, with love. It is a collaboration with the African Albinism Network (AAN), the Karagwe Community Based Rehabilitation Programme (KCBRP), The Constellation, and Visual Development in the context of the Voice Link and Learn process for multi-country grantees. It is funded by Voice.

The dream of the Africa Albinism Network was identified a year ago, in 2022.

Premiere of the Film on the 13th of June, a Special Date…

The African Albinism Network (AAN) is happy to launch it on the International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD). All the more so, as this year, the Tanzania National Action Plan (NAP) on Albinism was launched that day. The endorsement of the NAP by the Government is a milestone achievement for the AAN.

The filmmakers’ team at the launch of the film.

Two couples share how they raise their children in an environment that is discriminating people with albinism:

Mzawa Iddi Bakari and Abdillah Omary Abubakari, parents of one child without albinism and two with albinism, and Editha Francis and Francis Samwel Undule, parents of a child with albinism.

“I am the fourth child in a family of nine children. They loved and accepted me. Because of their acceptance I grew with great confidence. My siblings were like a shadow to me because even if I was mistreated, teased on the street, provoked in school, it felt like it was not a solitary fight: all of them were there to fight by my side, together.”


“I have to say this very clearly: a child is a child whether with albinism or not. They need to be seen, valued, and cared for. But also given the opportunity to know what they want.”


“Sometimes when you have a different kind of child regardless of the type, it can be a blessing that will transform your life one step at a time. She gave me the motivation to work hard in life to make sure she will live a good life. This commitment really changed my life.”


“A bad feeling was stuck in my heart since the moment the child was born, but it vanished when he said he loved me and the child.”


“Our experience and hopes”, by the filmmakers: Naila Omary and Magdalena Chistopher Mtumbuka

“We are so proud to have participated in this project! We had fun and learned new things throughout the experience.”


“The preparation of the launch of the film was a bit hectic but we did it under the team guidance and supervision. Government officials participated in the launching so they will be referring to it when talking about albinism awareness.”


“As filmmakers, we became agents of change by raising awareness. The TUNAWEZA film will last for a very long time and will be easily accessible thanks to technology, transforming people even in rural areas. The Tanzania Albino society (TAS) promised to share it on their platforms as well as KCBRP and AAN. Our wish is also for this film to be displayed in rural platforms when people with albinism gather and society at large for awareness to go viral.”


“This film has a big message that many people need to hear so as to heal from their traumas and to get strength to move on positively with their lives. The stories are very relevant to societies in Africa.”

Naila (one of the filmmakers) having a chat at the centre where one finds help and a sense of community.

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