Visual Journey at the ABCD Unconference: New filmmakers shared their experience filming their community’s story of change with their phones

Visual Journey at the ABCD Unconference: New filmmakers shared their experience filming their community’s story of change with their phones

The Constellation is made up of many stars, communities that are taking action, addressing global challenges in our local context, using our own strengths to find solutions that are within our reach. In The Constellation, we are sharing the solutions that we are finding. One way to share is through storytelling, through small movies. Hence the project of Visual Journey, which was at the centre of attention on Wednesday, the 18th of October 2023, on the occasion of the yearly ABCD Unconference.

Second Voice Festival: Linking and Learning between African Communities and Organisations for an Inclusive Society

Second Voice Festival: Linking and Learning between African Communities and Organisations for an Inclusive Society

Hosted by The Constellation, the festival was held from the 24th to the 27th of July 2023, bringing together 45 delegates from 10 multi country projects in Africa, implemented by grantees of Voice, counterparts from Asia through video conference, and representatives of Voice and The Constellation. Even though they work on very different topics, participants realise that they have a lot in common and a lot to learn from each other.

Inclusion in Action: When Rightsholder Groups Meet at the Asian Link and Learn Festival

Inclusion in Action: When Rightsholder Groups Meet at the Asian Link and Learn Festival

From the 20th to the 23rd of January 2023, The Constellation with its IndoCompetence team as a host, organised and facilitated a Link and Learn event for Voice grantee organisations and groups in Asia, to explore the theme of “Improving our practices for a sustainable inclusive society” and with the aim of creating communities of practices.

Global Learning Festival goes online

Global Learning Festival goes online

The Global Learning Festival (GLF), leading event facilitated by The Constellation, is this year organised online in response to the need for international connections and continued work despite the pandemic. From 1 to 4 October 2021 The Constellation and Kenyan communities offer a unique opportunity to share and learn around the theme: ‘ANCHORING ENERGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE LOCAL RESPONSE’.

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and contribute to building a better world

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