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Eradicate early pregnancy and forced marriage at the Kakuma Refugee Camp

Eradicate early pregnancy and forced marriage at the Kakuma Refugee Camp

Faulu Productions is a community-based organisation based in the Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya (team in the picture). The Faulu team intends to eradicate early pregnancy and forced marriage observed in most camp-based communities. The team reached out to The Constellation to take part in the Go Girl programme where the SALT-CLCP methodology supports girls and people around them in finding solutions and establishing behaviour change so that their health and safety are improved.

Go Girl Kenya, creating a safe space where teenagers flourish

Go Girl Kenya, creating a safe space where teenagers flourish

Onesmus Mutuku facilitated a 3-day workshop at l’Afrikana, a community-based organisation that, among other activities, facilitates sharing and learning to prevent teenage pregnancies.
The team explored SALT, home visits, and action plans.

Launch “Dorcus Beads: Bringing Back Life” leaves audience moved

Launch “Dorcus Beads: Bringing Back Life” leaves audience moved

The short movie ‘Dorcus beads: Bringing back Life’ was launched on Saturday 13 November, online for a small international audience and offline in the community in presence of the new filmmakers and local movie stars. Communities share their own story: that is now possible.

Good news from Go Girl project

Good news from Go Girl project

The Triodos Foundation contributes 10’000 Euro to the multi-country project for teenagers. And inspiration from a Virtual SALT visit to Babes, Singapore.



In this 5 country project, we engage communities in prevention of teenage pregnancies. In Cameroon, Ghana, India, Indonesia and Kenya new and old facilitators learn and share about effective local responses that help girls flourish.

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