The members of the Women’s Café made one of their dreams come true. On the 20th and the 21st of May, women from Amsterdam performed with music and stories of strong women who were Heroines to them.
Two years ago, Ghalia Jando told a group of women about her dream to create a women’s choir that celebrates heroines. The project was awarded a budget via the municipalities as a neighbourhood initiative that, through collaboration with Women’s Café, and support from neighbourhood residents and organisations, has come to be called the International Women’s Choir of IJburg & Zeeburgereiland.
The women in this choir have never sung together before. It consists of women with and without singing experience who inspired each other with their stories. Through the expert guidance of Luciana Cueto, a beautiful performance was produced. There even is a special cassette sound system created by Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio and Luciana Cueto.
The Women’s Choir would like to thank all the people and supporting organisations who have given this project a warm welcome.
With musical greetings, the women’s choir.
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After the partnership of The Constellation with the Dutch Refugee Council to accompany the integration of refugees (2017-2019), the Municipality of Amsterdam supported trainings of SALT-CLCP facilitators to help build more connections in the new neighbourhoods of Zeeburgereiland and IJburg, islands recently built on the Ijmeer lake! The Women Café was born, and the Women’s Choir is one of its projects. “The Women Café has the goal, since 2019, to make a better and healthier world and contribute to meeting individual goals and collective dreams. A place to share love, friendship, positive support…”
The International Women Choir in Amsterdam Started Training to Film their Story
With lots of enthusiasm, the Visual Journey team, Sonia, Suus, and Zohra with facilitators iSiZ, Luciana (Women’s Café), Meble (The Constellation), and Jessica (Visual Development) have started meeting in April 2022. The storytelling process is on its way.

In continuation of our As Your Open Your Eyes documentary series project and with our Visual Development partner, we equip communities to audio-visually capture their stories. With distance training and accompaniment, the community filmmakers develop the story of change that their community wants to share with us all.